As Coach-Mentors we engage in learning relationships that help protégés develop their God-given potential. We offer training to develop Coach-Mentors as well as the opportunity to connect to a personal Coach-Mentor.
CME Coach-Mentors are located all over the world. They represent a variety of languages, cultures, ages, experience and focuses. Thanks to technology, most of our Coach-Mentors are also available to meet online.
I found the course very helpful and practical. I immediately used the materials to help one of our teams in China that was having team issues. Perfect timing! I highly recommend this material to anyone that works with teams or on a team.
CME is a must for all those involved in People Care. The combination of instruction, exercises, tools and group interaction are relevant to anyone who works with people. I highly recommend this course.
The course opened up a whole new world that I had only heard about. It’s the best course that I have attended so far.